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Garmin Nuvi 1490lmt 5-Inch Bluetooth Portable Gps Navigator With Lifetime Map & Traffic Updates (Dis

garmin nuvi 1490lmt 5 inch bluetooth portable gps navigator with lifetime map traffic updates discontinued by manufacturer

Garmin nuvi 1490LMT 5-Inch Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Lifetime Map & Traffic Updates (Discontinued by Manufacturer)

  • Sunlight-readable, 5-inch backlit TFT color touchscreen display with 480 x 272 WQVGA pixel resolution
  • Preloaded with City Navigator NT data for North America (U.S. and Canada) and Puerto Rico, with nearly six million points of interest
  • Free lifetime map and traffic updates for the most up-to-date maps, POIs, and navigation info, along with constantly updated traffic information
  • Advanced navigation features including voice-prompted turn-by-turn directions, lane assist with junction view, fuel-saving ecoRoute
  • Integrated Bluetooth wireless technology with a built-in microphone and speaker for hands-free calling. Comes with One-year warranty.microSD card (not included)

Buy Now : Garmin nuvi 1490LMT 5-Inch Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Lifetime Map & Traffic Updates (Discontinued by Manufacturer)

Brand : Garmin
Category : Electronics,GPS, Finders & Accessories,Vehicle GPS
Rating : 4.4
Price : US $249.99
Review Count : 2065
ChildASIN : B003ZX8B3W

Garmin nuvi 1490LMT 5-Inch Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Lifetime Map & Traffic Updates (Discontinued by Manufacturer)

  • **UPDATE**July 12, 2012After having the Nuvi 1490LMT in my car for the longest time, I finally took it inside the house a couple of days ago and updated its map/software. In the update, they took care of the \"disappearing map\" glitch for this particular unit. They also updated some of the map graphics, especially the junction and lane assist views - they have a more polished look (they look better IMO).I tested the Nuvi and happy to report that the \"disappearing map\" glitch is indeed fixed. I did not experience a map reload during the entire 1-hour drive.**ORIGINAL REVIEW**Garmin Nuvi 1490LMT vs. TomTom Via 1535TMI purchased both units to compare them and in the end pick the unit that best suits my needs and preferences. I wanted to get a new GPS unit because the built in unit I have in my SUV is outdated. The portability, being able to use on another vehicle, and the free lifetime maps are really what I\'m after but decided that lifetime traffic alerts is not a bad option either. I would like to point out that whatever you chose between the two, the decision will not be a mistake as they are both good GPS units, they both have their own strengths and weaknesses, but it will come down to what you really prefer or your comfort level.I tested both units driving around where I live and when we went on vacation in Las Vegas. I had them mounted next to each other most of the time.TomTom Via 1535TMPROS:- By default, provides more info (speed, distance, time etc) on the status bar, located on bottom of screen, compared to the Nuvi. And just above the Via\'s status bar, it shows the street name that you are currently on (I find this very helpful), the Nuvi does not have this feature while navigating. The Nuvi will give you the option to display the same info on its status bar, but it will place the status bar vertically on the right side of the display that makes the main screen smaller (like an old 3.5\" GPS screen) I really really like this feature and how it\'s displayed on the screen, it\'s really cool to have all this info ready at all times. Something you might say, \"Honey, I\'m about 65 miles away and will be home in about 50 minutes, by 2:30pm, I should be pulling up by the driveway.\" All this info is displayed on the unit at all times, you don\'t have to calculate in your head.- Consistently finds POIs faster than the Nuvi. It\'s almost instant whereas the Nuvi could take seconds, sometimes even several minutes to find its first POI (this really sucks when you are so ready to go, even a minute feels like an eternity!). But this also depends on how popular the POI is, if you\'re looking for McDonalds or something well known, then both units will give you an instant list.- The voice command feature is great when it works and it works most of the time. I really like this feature especially when driving to a new address; it is so much easier saying where you are going instead of manually inputting everything onto the unit. It\'s also great for looking for a certain POI while driving, I love how you can just say \"Go to the nearest Starbucks\" and it will get you there with just a single button input! The voice command feature is not perfect though, as some POI names, no matter how your pronounce it, just won\'t get recognized by the unit. I tried IKEA and 7-ELEVEN numerous times with no success. I was driving on the freeway one time and my low fuel indicator flashed and in a city I\'m not familiar with and all I have to say was \"Go to the nearest gas station\" and within minutes I\'m filling up my gas tank! This is so cool! I didn\'t have to fiddle with the unit to input and chose where I needed to go, keeping my attention on the road - where it should be. Even with the feature\'s shortcomings, I found this feature to be a deal breaker!- I also like the fact that you can still access the device while connected to the computer. This is helpful if you wanted to change settings or play around with the unit. The Nuvi locks you out the minute you plug in the USB cord.- The voice on the unit sounds a lot better than the Garmin Nuvi. The voice sounds more human, better to the ears while the Nuvi\'s voice sounds too robotic. The volume on the Nuvi is much louder than the Via though.- Preloaded speed traps/traffic camera POIs. The unit will beep to alert you of incoming traffic cameras! It\'ll make you rethink about running that red light!! The Nuvi does not have any traffic camera POIs preloaded, although you can download these from online.CONS:- The Via takes a long time to acquire a satellite signal! It takes anywhere from 1 to 4 minutes just to get a lock on a signal! You\'re probably saying, what\'s 1-4 minutes?! Well, I had the Nuvi next to it turned on the same and it acquired a signal in less than 30 seconds! The 4 minutes of waiting feels like forever! And this is not sometimes... this is all the time!!- Like a lot of people say, the LCD screen of the TomTom Via is inferior to that of the Garmin Nuvi\'s. And I have to agree! The display gets easily washed up under the sun! There are times when you have to really focus on the screen just to read what is on there. It also doesn\'t help that the letters and graphics on the screen are smaller and the colors are not that vivid! The icons look flat as well. I was shocked when one day I was driving (almost sunset) when the sun\'s rays coming from the rear window hit the Via\'s screen and I totally couldn\'t see it, while the Nuvi sitting next to it was still visible!- The unit is not very responsive, very sluggish... You press an icon and it almost takes a full second to respond! There are also no beeps when you click on something, unlike the Nuvi that responds faster and gives you an audio cue every time you touch something on the screen.- Although the unit generates a POI list very fast, the list it provides shows very little info. It will only list found POIs and the distance in miles away from your location... Drilling down further will only provide a phone number and a mini map of its location. I found this very annoying as I always like to know the address of where I\'m going, what city, what street it\'s on etc. I live in the Bay Area (California) and would always like to know the city of my destination since I would rather travel more miles than to cross one of the bridges, deal with the traffic and pay toll! I find it uncomfortable to just drive to a location xx miles away and with no other info... The Nuvi provides the full address, phone number and more info of all its POIs.- Voice Command when making calls is almost useless. If you have an iPhone, use its Voice Control feature to make calls instead - it will give you better results. The Via has a hard time recognizing names, so when you say \"Call (insert name here)\", it\'ll give you a list of your contact info, and you have to scroll down to get to the person you want to call then say the number of the contact before it\'ll dial. And given how the unit is very unresponsive to inputs, this little call could become very annoying fast!- There is also a bug that they need to fix. After updating the maps, all your favorites get deleted! This can get frustrating if you end up doing these four times a year (number of times they issue map updates in a year). MyTomTom, their online support, is still not fully functional. The only thing that it really does is update maps; you can\'t download extra voices, extra POIs and other things.Garmin Nuvi 1490LMTPROS:- The LCD Screen on the Nuvi shows very well under the sun. The colors pop and you won\'t get the washed up colors you get with the Via. The display is not cluttered with unnecessary info, very easy to read with big letters, better contrast and vivid colors. This is one of the main selling points of the Garmins, they are very easy to understand and use! You glance at the screen instead of \"focusing\" because of how easy it is to digest. The Garmin just has a better GUI (in my opinion) compared to the Via. I find the icons on the Nuvis looking better compared to the Via\'s flat look. The Nuvi just displays everything better, it\'s \"prettier\" and easier to look at than the Via. The Via is like reading a book where the Nuvi is like reading a book with pictures. The presentation is just better with the Nuvi.- Detailed POIs. The Nuvi generates POIs with complete addresses, phone numbers and how far it is from your location. I really like that Garmin included the complete address instead of just the distance. It gives you a better sense of direction and the comfort of knowing where you\'re going. The downside is that the Nuvi takes longer than the Via when looking for POIs that are not very common. It is also very convenient when saving these POIs to your favorites as you don\'t have to enter/edit too much info.- Acquires satellite signals very quickly compared to the Via, which usually takes 1-4 minutes. The Nuvi usually takes less than 30 seconds to lock on a signal, a minute at the longest. The GPS start up is also very quick. The unit is also very responsive to your commands; it gives you audio cues when inputting commands. It seems that the Nuvi just does everything a tad quicker than the Via.- I actually like the fact that Nuvi will say \"Recalculating\" when you miss a turn. I like to know when I make a mistake, so for example, when I come back to the same place without the GPS, I\'m not taking the \"wrong turn\" and thinking that it\'s the correct way... The Nuvi recalculates fairly quickly and usually gets you on the right track right away. The Via will not give you an audio cue if you miss a turn, it\'ll just instantly recalculate and show you the next correct turn as if you were on the correct path all along. Some people actually prefer this as they are sick of hearing \"recalculating\".- When you put an entry in your Favorites, the Nuvi will actually pronounce the name you give it. (BTW, the Nuvi does this for all destinations) For example, if I name my friends address as \"Fat Joe\'s House\", the Nuvi will actually say \"Arriving at Fat Joe\'s House in .5 miles\" or \"You have arrived at Fat Joe\'s House on the right\". Just imagine the possibilities... hahaha! It\'s surprising how many words and names the Nuvi can pronounce! The Via, on the other hand, will just give you the default message - \"You have arrived at your destination on the right\". Some folks might not find this as a PRO but I sure am entertained by this!CONS:- I wished that they could\'ve added the same info on the status bar like that of the Via. On the status bar on the bottom of the screen, it only shows the estimated time of arrival on the left pane, the current speed and the speed limit on the right pane, the middle pane shows the lane assist feature when needed. The Nuvi also does not show the current street you\'re driving on, and if you have forgotten, the only option is for you to look out the window and look for street signs.- Looking up non-common POIs can be very frustrating! My family decided to check out the Boiling Crab, a very popular restaurant that serves mostly seafood (super yummy!). Upon entering the name, the Via showed 2 Boiling Crab locations instantly while the Nuvi was still \"searching\". We decided to just go and not wait for the the Nuvi. 50 minutes later, we are parking the car and the Nuvi is still \"searching\"! C\'mon Garmin, if it\'s not in the POI database, then just make the unit say \"not found\" or something like that, instead of making us wait! The Via will show you \"not found\" if it didn\'t find the POI in its database, it won\'t make you wait forever!- The traffic alerts comes with its evil twin - advertisement! If the TomTom Via can give you lifetime traffic alerts without ads then why can\'t the Garmin Nuvi? I found that the ads will pop up when at a complete stop and when your are driving on unmarked roads, like parking lots, the ads do not block too much of the screen to become a safety hazard but still annoying to some people (it doesn\'t bother me at all). There\'s an option to disable the ads but doing so will also disable the traffic alerts.- While navigating, the Nuvi\'s display would all of a sudden turn blank (white screen) for about half a second and it then quickly \"re-draws\" the map. It seems like it \"reloads\" the map at certain points. This reload does not affect the navigation in any way but it\'s just odd that it does this. I\'m not sure if it\'s a defect on my unit... I will contact Garmin about this and will keep you guys updated. This happens at least once every time I use the GPS unit! I find this annoying as I never saw this happening with the Via. Anyone else experiencing this on their 1490LMT? Please comment...MORE STUFF:- These two units will get you to your destination one way or another. I drove with these 2 units around my neighborhood and found that both make \"mistakes\". Mistakes, meaning they will take me to longer routes or make unnecessary turns... From South San Francisco to San Francisco - The Nuvi made me drive on El Camino Real, a long boulevard, (after purposely missing some turns) before making me hop on the freeway (I-280) at the end, while the Via kept directing me to hop on the freeway entrances along the way. From SF to SSF - I\'m driving down 10th street towards the I-280 freeway entrance when all of a sudden the Via told me to make a left, then a right, another right and finally another left to get back on 10th street! WTF?! Bottom line, they will both make navigation mistakes but they will both get you where you\'re supposed to go.- The traffic routing is hit or miss. If the accident or the delay is not reported then there\'s no way for you to find out or avoid it in time. There was only one time in which the Nuvi gave me better traffic routing than the Via. Most of the time, both of the units, gave me the same routing. I also found that both units also report delays inaccurately... for example, both units will say a 2 minute delay (afternoon traffic) along my route but it really is more like a 10-15 minute delay!- Both units monitor how fast you\'re going compared to the speed limit. The Nuvi\'s display will turn red if you surpass the speed limit even by 1mph, the Via will only turn red if you go 5mph faster.- The Nuvi always shows an earlier estimated time of arrival compared to the Via. There\'s usually a 10-minute gap between the two units. For example, the Nuvi will estimate a time of arrival of 2:30, the Via at 2:40 but you actually get there by 2:35 The Nuvi seems to base its estimate as if as though you will not encounter traffic delays and the opposite can be said about the Via.- The Nuvi shows a very accurate picture of the junction views - it will actually show you all the signs like how you would see them on the actual freeway. It grays out the signs that you are not suppose to take. The Via only shows the sign that you are suppose to take, it\'s as if it is the only sign on the freeway. I wonder if this might confuse some drivers. They both do a great job at illustrating which lanes to take. The Via shows the junction views longer than the Nuvi. The Nuvi shows the picture for about 7-9 seconds while the Via shows it close to 15 seconds.- Updating the maps on these units are very straightforward but the process is much quicker on the Nuvi that that of the Via. The Via took hours to complete! Close to 3 hours if I\'m not mistaken. Updating gadgets should not have to take that long...- Both units paired with my iPhone 3GS without a hitch. Both units automatically pair up with my iPhone and downloads my contact info upon boot up. Receiving a call is easy with both units but found that the Nuvi is easier at making calls. You have to use the Via\'s troublesome Voice Command feature to make calls while the Nuvi uses the iPhone\'s Voice Control feature that is so much easier to use. I find the bluetooth functionality very convenient as it makes making and receiving calls that much easier while driving.It took me almost a month to decide which one to keep... and in the end I chose the Garmin Nuvi. I went with the Garmin because of its LCD display and it\'s GUI (Graphic User Interface) - it\'s simple, easy to read, understand and use. It puts me at ease that my wife can use it without asking me how to use it! I like the fact that the display stays sharp and vivid under the sun. I like how it gives the full addresses on POIs and how easier it is at making phone calls. As much as I like the Via\'s Voice Command feature and its included traffic/speed POIs, I can\'t overlook the fact that the Nuvi is a much \"polished\" product. I really don\'t care that the Via\'s MyTomTom online support is non-existent at the moment (it\'s still in beta) as long as they can provide me with updated maps, which they can. Although, it made me smile when I could download my little kids favorites - Spongebob and Dora, as Voices and car characters from the Nuvi\'s online support page.I really really like all the info that the Via shows on the screen but I find myself looking at it too much instead of the road! I like computers, so I like data and info as much as the next nerd but my wife had to tell me to keep my eyes on the road a couple of times while on a long drive... the Via became somewhat of a distraction. I really miss the Via\'s Voice Command... it is soooo cool! It doesn\'t work sometimes but when it does, I feel like Captain Kirk! A couple of updates on the voice command feature and it\'ll probably work much better! If I were given a few more days with the Via, I would have probably picked it over the Nuvi... I don\'t know, it\'s just a super cool device for the same price!!I\'m a family man with wife and kids. So in the end, I chose a unit that I feel is very safe on the road that could easily aid us in getting where we need to go. The less distraction the better... \'
  • Purchased this as a gift for someone who has constant navigational issues anywhere they go. I needed something which was reliable, easy to use, easy to understand, and had lots of support online. After much review between Magellan and Garmin models, I chose this unit. I skimmed through some Tom Tom choices, but historically have never liked their units because the routing was often \"comical\" at best.Overall, I was impressed with this unit in the weeks I used it before wrapping it up for Christmas. The recipient also loves it, and since Christmas I haven\'t received one single call about \"how do I get to XYZ\" or \"I\'m lost\".USAGE:I spent quite awhile using this unit, and would drive around with it while 2 other GPS routing systems were active in my vehicle: Google Maps ala Android, and a high-end custom professional unit with multiple mapping engines. All 3 were able to route to the locations precisely, all 3 easily and quickly re-routed when I \"got lost\", and it sounded like I had 3 backseat passengers the whole time.The thing to take away from this story is that the Garmin was routing exactly like my professional unit, was VERY clear to understand the verbal instructions, properly pronouncing almost all street names, gave me good warning of what my next step was, and in some cases determined arrival time more accurately. For the price and simplicity, the Garmin unit is definitely above average.PROS:* Easy to setup, easy to use* Lifetime map updates (up to 4 per year)* Lifetime traffic updates (more below)* Easy to see/understand screen* Voices are more natural than most GPS units* Easily customizable* Firmware updates are easy* They\'ve solved the old 2011 rebooting bug* Includes everything you need in the box* Can be used in a vehicle, airplane, on a bicycle or while walking* Includes a feature which shows you which lane to be in when coming up to exits, splits, intersections, etc.. this is a huge benefitCONS:* Their wording on the firmware update threw me off, read about that below* The car-adapter is also the traffic update puck. Some folks might not like the thickness of the cable (about twice as thick as most others)OTHER THOUGHTS:* On occasion, it might have you take a strange way to get somewhere, especially if you know a \"better\" way. I\'ve found this is common with ALL gps units, because they\'re not better than a human brain. Make sure to try different settings when it comes to choosing the routing. You can set it to things such as \"fastest\" route, \"shortest\" route, etc. These sometimes make a difference. For instance, the \"shortest\" route for a couple of common routes of mine were not the best choice, because they took me into the Lions Den of red lights.. one every couple hundred feet. Took me 20 minutes longer to get to a destination. In that case the \"fastest\" route would\'ve been better. Keep in mind, it doesn\'t take away from accuracy.* They don\'t include a protective case for when you take it out of the car, some ladies will put it in their purse, some guys will just toss it wherever. Here\'s what I purchased inexpensively to solve that:  rooCASE Neoprene Sleeve Case for 5-inch Garmin nvi GPS Navigator (Black)  It fits this unit perfectly, and if you want you can use the included styrofoam piece to protect the screen while it\'s in the case. I didn\'t, but some suggested it.* Lifetime Map Updates - You get up to 4 per year, for the life of the unit. What that last part means, \"supposedly\", is that if they ever stop wholly supporting the unit (which historically for Garmin, seems to be about a decade), they\'ll stop making map updates for it. Odds are, by then, you\'ll get a new unit.* Lifetime Traffic Updates - This unit will give you live traffic info for the direction you\'re driving or the route you have programmed in, and you can tell it how to handle traffic conditions, such as re-route if it\'s really bad. To use this feature, you have to use the included 12v adapter which has the small traffic radio puck built-in. The cord is a little thicker than most, but it\'s by no means an issue. Something to keep in mind is that on occasion, you MIGHT get a random advertisement for a local business, ONLY when using the traffic feature. They claim the ads support the cost of the traffic updates. The advertisement is only on screen for a few seconds at most. In the weeks of usage, I\'ve only seen a couple of ads pop up.INITIAL SETUP:Once I received it I set it up according to the instructions, registered it online and updated the software. It only took a few minutes to get everything going, and each step was easy to follow. Best suggestion once you get the unit: Let it fully charge, then begin setting it up. Registration, setup of myGarmin and other stuff is most easily done via the computer.FIRMWARE UPDATE:I needed to do a firmware update as soon as I purchased it, this is normal for many products. If you do any research you\'ll find lots of folks complaining about a \"constant reboot\" every few minutes with this particular model. Do not be alarmed. This was due to a bug in the previous version of firmware. The firmware which shipped with my unit wasn\'t the buggy firmware, but I still wanted to bring it up to date using the most \"recent\" firmware version.Updating the firmware on this unit is very simple, and accomplished either manually (by copying the files needed to the unit), or most easily by connecting the unit via USB to your computer, and closely following their instructions through myGarmin.TIP: While you don\'t have to do the firmware update, I find it\'s best usually. However, I salt this by suggesting that as with any device, if it\'s a non-critical update, wait a short period to do the update to ensure the new update doesn\'t introduce any bugs.REBOOTS EVERY FEW MINUTES ISSUE:This was a bug in a previous version of firmware earlier in 2011. Some folks\' units were rebooting randomly. This has been solved with updated firmware which should be on most units. Do not be wary of purchasing the Garmin due simply to this issue. Also please note, what I describe below is for a separate issue which I accidentally caused myself because Garmin didn\'t word their instructions as well as they could have. Please read thoroughly.MINOR FIRMWARE ISSUE:What I describe below has nothing to do with the aforementioned \"reboots every few minutes\" bug. Below is a goof of mine, but the instructions are worthwhile in case you ever botch a firmware update. Don\'t do these things at 2 in the morning like I was doing!When I updated the firmware on this unit, I mis-interpreted a portion of their steps--due to how they worded them--and caused myself some headache. During the firmware update process, at one point you\'re told to wait until the unit has come back to the main screen, and then reboot the unit. That sounds easy enough, but what they don\'t tell you is to simply wait until it asks you to reboot the unit!What I did was, as soon as it was back on the main screen, I powered off the unit. Once I powered it back up, it booted normally, came to the main menu, told me something along the lines of \"in order to finish the update process, a reboot is required.. reboot now?\", and I said yes. And it reboots, comes back to the main menu, and asks the same question over and over. This is because I rebooted the unit before it was ready.Their instructions should read WAIT until it TELLS you it\'s ready. I spent days discovering the solution. IF you find yourself in this same situation in the future, for whatever reason, here\'s how to solve it:* Plug your unit up to your computer via USB. You\'ll see the green progress bar slowly go across the Garmin screen, and eventually you\'ll see the Garmin\'s internal memory pop up on your computer as an external drive named \".system\". IF YOU DON\'T SEE the Garmin \".system\" drive, follow these steps exactly (as per a technical manual I found). You need the USB cable handy, and the unit powered off:-- 0. Make sure the nuvi is off and the USB cable is unplugged.-- 1. With the nuvi powered off, press and hold the upper left hand corner of the touchscreen with your finger-- 2. Continue to hold the touchscreen while pressing and releasing the power button on the device. The Garmin Logo should display.-- 3. Have your USB cable ready so that when the Logo shows up, and while still holding the touchscreen, connect the device to your computer with the cable-- 4. After about 30 seconds the screen should flash white real quick and then show a green progress bar. Right when this happens, release the touchscreen.-- 5. After the progress bar completes (45-60 seconds) the device should go into Mass Storage mode with the picture of a computer tower on the display of the device.This should force the unit to connect its internal memory to your computer as an external drive, which you can browse to using the file explorer in windows. The external drive will be named \".system\".TIP: A quick way to load Windows File Explorer is to hold the START key and press the E keyOnce you are in the \".system\" drive, locate the file named \"GUPDATE.GCD\" in the root folder, and permanently delete it by selecting the file, holding the SHIFT key and pressing the DEL key. It will ask you if you want to permanently delete the file, confirm by saying yes.Safely remove the Garmin device from your computer by using the Safely Eject/Remove Hardware feature in Windows. (This should be done every time with the Garmin actually, whenever it\'s connected to your computer and you need to remove it)Once this is done, unplug the unit from the USB cable. It will either power down, or power into the main menu. If it powers into the main menu, let it fully get to the menu, and then power it off. This will solve the \"asking you to reboot the unit\" problem.You may now, properly, update the firmware.CUSTOMIZATIONS:I spent several days goofing around with the unit myself, installed some voices from the Garmin website (for free), a bunch of icons from their website (for free), inputting favorite destinations and tweaking the setup of the unit so that the recipient of the gift would be able to use it right out of the box. If you do enough searching on the web, you can find a plethora of utilities and resources to further customize any GPS unit, especially this one.These customizations include, but are not limited to, things such as custom map icons, points of interest, proximity alerts (things such as Red Light Camera warnings), going over the speed limit indicators, and etc. Do not pay for any of these updates, and don\'t be scammed by a lot of websites which require you to \"donate\" a set amount of money. These resources are provided by the community at large, folks like ourselves can contribute to the databases, and then simply install them to our units.I installed a plethora of proximity alerts and POIs which were relevent to the end user (favorite stores for example), popular stops such as gas stations and shopping areas, red light camera alerts, etc. The benefit of using the ones you find online is that they\'re more up to date, they\'re constantly being updated, and you can even tweak/edit the files yourself if you know what you\'re doing.It\'s nice driving around and seeing a bunch of icons pop up on the screen, letting you know certain stores are nearby, and it lets you simply click on the icon and route to them if you want.You can even create your own custom \"voice\" file with some utilities freely available, just do some searching for itTIP: There\'s too much to go into detail here, but if you use your favorite search engine and look for phrases such as poi-factory, you will no doubt find excellent resources and utilities. Depending on how much you want to load, it might take you awhile to download stuff. Read the how-to guides, it\'s very easy.STORAGE SPACE:One last final tip, the unit only has so much memory. It has plenty from the factory, but if you load a few hundred megabyte (hundreds of thousands) of POI/customizations, you might start running low. One easy way to solve this is to erase the VOICE and LANGUAGE files from the Garming, which you will not be using.For example, we do not need the Spanish voice files or other language files, so we erased all but the English stuff. This is quick and easy, and you can find simple how-to guides by searching the internet. Don\'t worry about screwing something up, if you\'ve erased something and want it back, you can log into myGarmin and reinstall the files.

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