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Garmin NüVi 2455lmt 4.3-Inch Portable Gps Navigator With Lifetime Map & Traffic Updates

garmin n%c3%bcvi 2455lmt 4 3 inch portable gps navigator with lifetime map traffic updates

Garmin nüvi 2455LMT 4.3-Inch Portable GPS Navigator with Lifetime Map & Traffic Updates

  • Lifetime map updates;4.3 inch LCD display
  • Speed limit indicator - unit displays speed limits for most major roads.
  • Lane assist with photoReal junction views.
  • Over 8 million points of interest and see branded icons on the map as you navigate.
  • Park position recall - find your car where you left it.

Buy Now : Garmin nüvi 2455LMT 4.3-Inch Portable GPS Navigator with Lifetime Map & Traffic Updates

Brand : Garmin
Category : Electronics,GPS, Finders & Accessories,Vehicle GPS
Rating : 4.2
ListPrice : US $224.99
Price : US $224.99
Review Count : 695

garmin n%c3%bcvi 2455lmt 4 3 inch portable gps navigator with lifetime map traffic updates
garmin n%c3%bcvi 2455lmt 4 3 inch portable gps navigator with lifetime map traffic updates

Garmin nüvi 2455LMT 4.3-Inch Portable GPS Navigator with Lifetime Map & Traffic Updates

  • This is finally the first unit that is worth upgrading to since the Nuvi 265WT came out 3 years ago. I kept an eye on the lineup for the past few years that there was not much to write home about win terms of new really Useful, worthy features or speed until now !! First things first, this unit is still very new and the software may be a bit buggy when you first unwrap it. Do yourself a favor, Install the Garmin Web Updater and update the firmware to the latest version. I bet this resolves most of the stability issues you mayrun into. Now for the meat of the review:Having owned Nuvi series for the past 8 years and following the lineup, there is a bunch of real improvements in 2455 (or the whole Oct 2011+ lineup) software. I am not going to mention all the interface tweaks like Dashboard or Color scheme changes that most people complain about.. that is a matter of preference and taste, not function. Things that matter to me are usability, functionality and speed of the unit. I had a few bad experiences with last version of the Nuvi, 3790 LMT which would take 15-30 seconds to calculate routes and on occasion freeze up on rote recalculation. It obviously had underpowered processor since the maps would not scroll or zoom smoothly. The software was probably to blame as well for being slow, but the main reason I mention this is that the latest series, and 2455 in particular, has solved these issues! The unit is now fast at routing and map displays and zooms smoothly, so obviously the issues from last version were noted and fixed.Functional ImprovementsRoute calculation time - This has been greatly improved in this software. The time it takes to recalculate the route is now between 2-5 seconds on average. The routing engine also looks to be more sensitive to traffic then the previous series units. It has so far made a number of new route suggestions that the old 265WT did not even know about (or bothered to drive me around traffic). I really feel that the unit is checking traffic every few minutes and adjusting the route, not just looking at it at the time of the initial calculation.Address entry Revamped - This is BIG !! You no longer need to enter your state every time you are entering an address. All that is required now is street number and name, as you type the street, autosuggestions come up like spellcheck on an IPhone. After that, the Search function kicks in and searches the 5 neighboring states. You can interrupt the search to specify the state if you like or just wait the 3-5 seconds and scroll through the results to choose the right address.Parking Recall- Great that the unit now remembers the last spot where the car stopped. I used to save it as a favorite on the old units with a name \"car\". Can be found under Apps.Advanced Detours - Finally you have a say in telling Nuvi how to go around traffic. There is now a submenu of the Detour button that you can choose to detour next .5, 2, 5 of the road or detour by road\'s name. Not the most advanced features if you are a Tom-Tom or advanced GPS user, but more than welcome from the \"magic\" button.Rest Areas - you can now look up the next rest area while driving on major highways. Under Where To-->Categories. Awesome!!Exit services - Tells you what the upcoming HWAY exit has to offer. Gas food, hotels, all there.Pedestrian mode- switching to it is easier and the GPS now has info on mass transitTrip Log App- Finally all the apps are grouped together under \"apps\" menu and you can easily access your trip logs right on the unit.Traffic Trends: This is a great historical trend data that helps the unit calculate optimal routs and give reasonable estimates in traffic. Been waiting for this for a while..POI indicators on the Map- Little POI icons now show up as you drive past places, such as a $ for a bank/ATM or a Fork when you drive by a food place.. Nifty and non intrusive.UI Interface Improvements: The Zoom buttons - the buttons are now hidden until you tap on the screen once, they will come up. Great way to save screen real estate on this 4inch unit.Tapping on the screen - this now goes full screen mode. If you tap on a location on a map, it will give you Street address or Latt/Long coordinates as well as options to route to it or save it. Great stuff !!Mute Button on main screen- no more going into submenu to mute the voice when it gets too much.Map buttons - you can toggle any of the volume/traffic/route stop buttons on/off.Minor ComplaintsProximity alerts - It is good to be aware of Red light cameras and speed traps. The loud ding, tends to get annoying in large cities on every other corner though. It also comes on for overhead streets while driving on city highways. I hope this is fixed soon.. otherwise just need to turn them off, as it gets pretty annoying.By default some TTS voices are excluded- I had to download some of the usual \"American-Jack\" voices into the unit via Web updater as it is not available by default. No big deal. I cannot believe this unit is being sold for under $200. This is truly the next generation of Garmin Nuvi that I have been waiting for years and it is a steal!!! Buy it, use it, love it !!
  • I was tired of navigation systems that did too many things good except navigating. It gets me where I need to go when have no cell signal.I didn’t have to read a book or watch videos on how to operate it.Fire it up,put in the address and go.
  • I searched on line for a while looking for a new GPS after my old Magellan hit the driveway and smashed the screen. It was about 3 years old and never worked with any Apple product (which blew my mind in todays world - i could never update it. WHAT?!) but it was a life line many times so, even with outdated maps, it helped greatly. still.. it decided to end it all and jumped out of my hands to it\'s death on the driveway. (a moment of silence please)ANYWAY, i started the search. the \"ads\" everyone complained about in the reviews scared me. who wants ads? no one! We get hit with ads everywhere all the time - from TV to any website we visit - pretty soon they\'ll be between paragraphs in books... The talk of Ad\'s on my little GPS in my car kept me from buying a Garmin for a while even though the reviews otherwise were pretty great. Consumer Reports loves Garmin\'s. they describe the ad\'s as \"ad supported traffic.\" Describing those ad\'s with a minor negative tone in the \"if you can look past\" that sorta way - they still gave the unit\'s good reviews and recommended Garmin\'s much more than the competitors.the ad\'s thing was a big thing for me - i searched the web to find a picture of a Garmin screen with one of these so called Ad\'s. didn\'t have too much luck. found a site that said the ad\'s were Text based. that was helpful. eventually found a picture that shows it\'s a little window, if that, at the top that\'s out of the way. doesn\'t look like it turns the GPS into a live commercial on your dash board like your TV or online. ultimately, what i figured out is that the ad\'s that might pop up (have only had the unit for 6 hours and have given it a couple trial runs to and from the grocery store) seem to be more or less like the ones i ignore on my phone. and the ones on the phone are more hi-tech and i still manage to completely ignore them while i\'m looking at the phone. - that realization right there did it for me PLUS, I can\'t really be looking at the GPS to read ad\'s while i\'m driving so i figured i can ignore whatever might pop up even more easy than with my phone. SO i hit the buy button.also learned that if you turn off the traffic feature (cause my phone has it anyway) - the ad\'s will be turned off too and won\'t happen! HA! problem solved even more.i\'ve only had the unit a few hours and on a couple test runs, no ad\'s - or i ignored them without even knowing it, if not though and i find i\'m way off base here - i\'ll update this post if need be. all the ad talk aside. the unit itself is nice. more crisp than my old GPS. a bit less chunky too. the touch screen works *much better* than my magellan. the reception for signal is great! updating current maps out of the box took about an hour on my Mac which was questionable but i was THRILLED it worked on my Mac without much issue. when the update is completed the unit has to turn off, get disconnected from computer, turned back on and then reconnected - which is a pain from an Apple user\'s standpoint - usually anything like that with Mac is done without those steps or unplugging, until the unit is ready to go. that is a place for improvement. the user shouldn\'t have to unplug to reboot to restart to plug unit back into computer.there is an intuitiveness that isn\'t quite there when opening their products for the first time but if you\'ve had a GPS before then you know enough to figure things out. Instructions are limited. perhaps that\'s because I didn\'t get the Owner\'s Manual in the box. found that odd but i also found it on Garmin\'s site. (wishing/hoping it\'s maybe a paper saving feature - it\'s only downloadable?)the voice it came with, Jill, sounds like a girl in the bottom of a fish tank so i switched the voice to Michelle and she sounds much better but apparently doesn\'t speak the street names. interesting.and then, your car icon you can change!!!!!!!!! too much fun. you can have a bunch of different car icons aside from the default i chose the station wagon from Chevy Chase\'s National Lampoon\'s Vacation with the dog leash dragging from the back. too funny!still, all the initial set up and discovery stuff aside. (which is why it\'s 4 stars for me) this unit seems pretty great so far and i\'m looking forward to going somewhere i\'ve never gone before and see how it works!

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