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Garmin VíVosmart Hr+ Regular Fit Activity Tracker - Black

garmin v%c3%advosmart hr regular fit activity tracker black

Garmin vívosmart HR+ Regular Fit Activity Tracker - Black

  • GPS tracks distance and pace while mapping out your run or walk
  • Swim friendly, sleek band is comfortable to wear all day, and the always on touchscreen display shows your stats, even in sunlight
  • Estimates steps, distance, calories, floors climbed, activity intensity and heart rate on your wrist
  • Receive full suite of smart notifications, which includes email, call, text, social media alerts and more (when paired to a compatible smart phone)
  • Auto sync to Garmin Connect Mobile to join fitness challenges, review data and receive smart coaching

Buy Now : Garmin vívosmart HR+ Regular Fit Activity Tracker - Black

Brand : Garmin
Category : Electronics,GPS, Finders & Accessories,Sports & Handheld GPS,Running GPS Units
Rating : 4.3
Review Count : 2630

garmin v%c3%advosmart hr regular fit activity tracker black
garmin v%c3%advosmart hr regular fit activity tracker black
garmin v%c3%advosmart hr regular fit activity tracker black
garmin v%c3%advosmart hr regular fit activity tracker black

Garmin vívosmart HR+ Regular Fit Activity Tracker - Black

  • I\'ve been looking for an activity tracker for a long time, finally deciding on this product after a long search to find the right mix of features. My main exercise is a combination of hiking/mountain climbing which I knew would be difficult for any device to track completely. The addition of a heart rate monitor and gps at a relatively low price is what sold this unit for me.1) Step monitor - Incomplete - This is the main feature of any activity tracker but unfortunately my hiking/climbing usually uses poles which means my arms won\'t make a natural walking motion when using them. It seems accurate at other times but with poles I\'m getting about 1000 steps for every 2 miles which is about a quarter of what I\'d expect.2) Floors Climbed - Incomplete - My hikes usually include a 1000 ft incline / decline up a rocky stepped face but I get about 10 floors at the end of my workout. I didn\'t buy the unit for this feature and since I\'m not actually going up an actually staircase it is hard to fault the unit. It would be nice if the altimeter settings were on the unit itself but you can get it later from the website using the GPS data.3) Heart Monitor - B- - I had high hopes for this as I like to track my times and see improvement on certain hikes. Unfortunately this unit is 99% accurate when you aren\'t exercising and hit/miss when you do exercise. After two weeks I\'m pretty sure the issue is a combination of sweat and band tightness. It works fine at first then after you work up a little sweat and combined with movement, my heart rate will drop from 120 beats per minute to 60 bpm. If I tighten the band it\'s fine after a while but I can\'t leave it like that afterwards as it eventually feels like it is cutting off my blood supply to my fingers. While this only occurs occasionally it really limits the devices ability to tell you if your overall heart rate for a fixed activity is improving (10 minutes of bad data will ruin a 4 hour average). I do think this will be a problem for all current generation Wrist HR monitors which is why Garmin really needs to include the ability to pair chest monitor with this unit.4) Sleep Tracker - B - It\'s not perfect but it is a nice snap shot of my sleep. I really does a good job of knowing when I draft off to sleep vs. sitting in bed watching TV at night. I have no idea if it is a good barometer or my deep vs light sleep though I plan to watch if there is a correlation of hard work out days vs deeper sleep.5) GPS - A - I wasn\'t really expecting much from this but it is really nice to look at my hikes on the Garmin Website along with all my other exercise data. You do not need your smartphone for this feature to work but then you can only see it on the website. This is a really great feature.6) Battery Life - B - I\'ve run into an issue where the GPS ran the battery down a lot faster than I expected but honestly the fault might be on me for not completely charging the unit. Charging took longer than I expected but it\'s not a huge issue.7) Weather/Messaging - B - Nice additions but not earthshaking. I rarely look at the messages and really need to figure out how to limit what shows up. The weather is a nice addition but since it needs a smartphone to get current info it\'s not life altering.8) Find Phone/Watch - A - Possibly my favorite feature. If you are the type that frequently asks, \"Where did leave my phone?\", you will love this. Hit a button on the vivosmart and you phone makes a ringing sound. Conversely if you have your phone, you can hit a button on the app to make the watch vibrate. If you\'ve lost both at the same time you are out of luck.9) Music - A - This doesn\'t have a lot of options - Fastforward, Play/Pause, and Rewind but this was one of the features I wanted the most. It allows me to put my phone in safe spot in my backpack and still give me control over my music/podcast selection. No more fiddling with my phone while looking over a cliff. It was only a matter of time until I dropped it or accidentally hit it on a rock.10) Phone calls - A - Basic information but useful. I like to leave my phone laying around the house and this lets me know when someone is calling and gives me their name. Fewer missed calls is always good. The downside is it is harder to tell people that know I have a Vivosmart that I didn\'t hear the phone vibrating.11) App Software - B - This really seems better than the website in many respects. I\'ve had a few issues with information not updating after a sync but it might take time for the information to flow through the system (or be me). The app is laid out in a easy to use fashion and gives me most of the info I want. My only request would be to give me more control over what each page displays but it is a minor quibble.12) Website - B - There\'s a lot of information but it feels like it\'s more trouble than it is worth to go there. I haven\'t used Fitbit so I can\'t compare.13) Pairing - B+ - I had a few hiccups getting this to pair and again it might have been me but it has been solid ever since.14) Band - C - I can see the band wearing out within a short period of time making the device useless. I\'ve heard Garmin will replace these but they really need to figure out a way we can use replacement bands. The color choices aren\'t great and the band can get uncomfortable at times, especially if I forget to loosen it after a workout.15) Form Factor - A - This really could be mistaken for a digital watch which makes it perfect for wearing every day. It\'s a little bigger than I wanted but overall it is great considering all the hardware they\'ve squeezed into it. It doesn\'t look as ostentatious as an Apple Watch or a higher end Garmin which makes it less likely to be stolen if you ever take it off.Overall - A solid B. I\'m picky but realistic. I wish the stepper was more accurate for hiking but a unit like this can only track based on body movements and its good for what it does. The Heart Rate Monitor is good most of the time but can be disappointing sometimes when exercising and future versions definitely need the ability to pair with a chest strap. The GPS is really good especially since you don\'t need a phone. If you are looking for a device to track all your workouts, I think you might need to go to a higher end Garmin. If you need something to give you a good idea of your steps, heart rate, and sleep while wanting some of the phone/music options from an Apple Watch then this will be a great option.
  • I am a previous MIO Fuse owner, and after my cat destroyed it I was in the market for a new fitness band. I wavered between the Garmin Vivosmart HR+ and the Fitbit Charge 2, my goal being to find a band for daily wear with an HRM to track my daily movement, running and strength training activities, and calories burned - bearing in mind that no wrist band (especially the HRM feature) is entirely accurate and should be used for ballpark measurements. The Fitbit Charge 2 has better overall reviews, but I ultimately went with this device due to the fact that it\'s waterproof and has a built-in GPS (neither of which can be said about the Fitbit Charge 2), meaning you don\'t need to bring your phone with you to use the GPS feature. I\'ve worn it day and night for the past few weeks and overall I\'m pleased with my purchase. Here are the pro and con highlights:PROS:- Fit: I have a pretty small wrist and this fits well with a couple notches in the band to spare. While it\'s not the most comfortable thing I\'ve ever worn it\'s not too bad, especially since I switch wrists each day. I read some people thought it was too bulky but I don\'t find it to be overly so. The only time I find it uncomfortable at times is while sleeping, but if you don\'t care about the sleep tracking feature you can take it off at night.- Waterproof: I\'m a klutz and will forget to take the band off before showering or will splash water on it when washing my hands. Additionally it makes it easier to keep clean. This was a must for me.- Altimeter: calculates (roughly) stairs climbed- GPS: Built-in so you don\'t need to carry your phone while running. When you sync with the app it shows a map of your route within in app, along with all kinds of data - pace, distance, calories burned, etc. Unfortunately where I live in Seattle it\'s pretty much cloudy all the time, so I can\'t always use the GPS function. On a clear day however, the GPS finds a signal in less than a minute.- Ease of use: I\'m no old fart, but I also don\'t keep up on state-of-the-art technology. I found this device easy to set up, personalize, and use. The accompanying Connect app is also simple to use, and while some people say the information it and the online software provide are overkill, I love data and find it to be useful and fun to scroll through. There are lots of graphs, statistics and what not, tracking your current day and historic data; even if you\'re only in it for your step count and calories burned, you can find that information easily.- Features: There are some great features on this band including but not limited to: activity tracking, optional vibrating alarm, syncing of phone notifications (you can choose which to include such as phone calls, texts, Twitter, Facebook, and others), a vibration reminder to move after being idle, and weather notifications. The same is true for the app and online software where you can earn badges for meeting and beating activity criteria, challenges you can participate in against other users (random users or your friends & family) such as reaching a certain number of steps in a given week, set activity goals to meet, and more. These additional items make the band fun to use rather than just \"strictly business.\"- Battery: I use most of the notification functions, record running and strength activities including GPS usage 4-5 times per week, sync data several times a day, and the battery has lasted a good 5-6 days before I need to charge it. It take less than an hour to full recharge. Note: this can be charged through a USB wall charger converter. At first I thought mine wasn\'t charging because you get a big ol\' charging icon when charging through a computer USB port, but when using a wall charger you see a tiny charging battery icon on the date screen only, so it may appear it\'s not charging.CONS:- Accuracy: It\'s true this band, as with any other fitness band, is not going to be 100% accurate. Sometimes the stairs counter is off by a flight, sometimes it\'s not (note: it counts any elevation gain, including walking up a steep hill, as flights of stairs). The HRM works pretty well for running in my experience - I\'ve stopped and counted my pulse while watching the HRM, and it\'s within 1-3 BPM. It\'s more iffy when it comes to strength training exercises when your heart rate vacillates; I find the HRM catches up a little after I\'ve done a set, so I take the calories burned for a recorded strength training session with a grain of salt.- Device make: While the device itself feels solid, the band does not feel super sturdy and I\'ve read many reports of users\' bands breaking and having to go back and forth with the manufacturer for a replacement. The band is not interchangeable, so once the band goes there\'s no easy fix. The screen is susceptible to light scuffs, but so far I\'ve been able to wash them off (no full-on scratches)- Issues: I\'ve only had this for a few weeks but it has frozen up once. Holding down the button to hard reset it then turning it back on did the trick, picking back up where it left off. Hoping this isn\'t a repeat problem.If you\'re shopping around, you need to ask yourself a few questions:- What are your fitness tracking goals - do you care most about calories burned, steps taken, or just wearing something to motivate you to move more? If you\'re hardcore about calories burned, get a chest strap HRM which is way more accurate. If you don\'t care about tracking your runs or walking sessions, perhaps you don\'t need something with a GPS. And so on.Overall I enjoy this wrist band as someone who runs, does strength training, and likes to get some motivation to move more throughout the day. I encourage people to question whether the functions it offers fit their needs, and if they\'re comfortable with not-100%-accurate data as that\'s what you will get with any fitness wrist band.

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