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Garmin NüVi 2457lmt 4.3-Inch Portable Vehicle Gps With Lifetime Maps And Traffic (Discontinued By Ma

garmin n%c3%bcvi 2457lmt 4 3 inch portable vehicle gps with lifetime maps and traffic discontinued by manufacturer

Garmin nüvi 2457LMT 4.3-Inch Portable Vehicle GPS with Lifetime Maps and Traffic (Discontinued by Manufacturer)

  • Easy-to-use, dual orientation, touchscreen interface
  • Garmin Real Directions with Garmin Real Voice guide using recognizable buildings and landmarks
  • PhotoReal and Bird's Eye junction views offer detailed images of junctions along your route, to ease the stress of merging on or off a roadway
  • Up Ahead displays nearby services info -including restaurants, stores, hospitals and fuel -alongside your map and updates as you drive your route
  • Sleek mount attaches from behind, for less distraction

Buy Now : Garmin nüvi 2457LMT 4.3-Inch Portable Vehicle GPS with Lifetime Maps and Traffic (Discontinued by Manufacturer)

Brand : Garmin
Category : Electronics,GPS, Finders & Accessories,Sports & Handheld GPS,Handheld GPS Units
Rating : 4.3
Price : US $199.99
Review Count : 212

garmin n%c3%bcvi 2457lmt 4 3 inch portable vehicle gps with lifetime maps and traffic discontinued by manufacturer
garmin n%c3%bcvi 2457lmt 4 3 inch portable vehicle gps with lifetime maps and traffic discontinued by manufacturer
garmin n%c3%bcvi 2457lmt 4 3 inch portable vehicle gps with lifetime maps and traffic discontinued by manufacturer
garmin n%c3%bcvi 2457lmt 4 3 inch portable vehicle gps with lifetime maps and traffic discontinued by manufacturer

Garmin nüvi 2457LMT 4.3-Inch Portable Vehicle GPS with Lifetime Maps and Traffic (Discontinued by Manufacturer)

  • I purchased the nuvi 2457LMT to use on long trips instead of my 5-year old nuvi 255W. My purchase price was under $120 and included life-time maps and traffic (LMT). The improvements in the 2457LMT over the older instrument that are important to me include: more satellite sensitivity, faster boot-up, brighter screen, lane guidance, the elimination of the \"Recalculating\" announcement every time you deviate from a chosen route (even at some highway rest stops), and an easier-to-use menu to find POIs ahead while driving.Before taking a trip to locales that I am unfamiliar with, I usually program in places that I want to visit be adding them to my \"Favorites.\" While doing this with my 255W, I found that it could not acquire satellite while in my house. With the 2457LTM, satellites are acquired while in my house, and even from some areas of my basement. This tells me that the newer instrument has greater sensitivity while acquiring satellites.I will spare you from rereading most of the positive features that have already been made by previous reviewers. Instead I will use my space to caution you about some characteristics that are not mentioned by many reviewers.There are 3 characteristics that prevent me from giving the 2457LTM 5 stars rather than 4:1) Garmin\'s User Guide tells you that you can add a micro SD card, but does NOT tell you that the LTM feature of your device may not work in the future if you do not have this micro card. From my experience with the older Garmin GPS, it appears that you should install at least a 4 GB micro SD card before you update maps very many times, and once this is done and data is put onto this card, you cannot swap it out for a large card without risking losing the ability of updating and using your GPS. This is due to the increases in data as Garmin updates its maps. I check for and download updates (when available) before going on out-of-town trips. This problem appeared the last time I tried to update my nuvi 255W that had a 2 MB SC card in it that was added 2 years earlier when the updates could no longer be contained on the main unit. Now the 2 GB card is filled and cannot be swapped out for a larger capacity card.2) The 2457LTM does not include a protective sleeve for carrying it in your pocket while away from you vehicle. This can be taken care of by purchasing a \"AmazonBasics Carrying Case for 4.3-Inch Portable GPS -Black\" from Amazon for $5.99.3) As other reviewers have stated, even the newest updated maps tend to be inaccurate in some locales, and may not be as precise in locating your position as other brands may be. This may be a problem in unfamiliar locales at night where visibility is limited. However, I have been able manage with these inaccuracies, so far.Overall, I have found that the Garmin nuvi 2457LTM has been a good buy and I recommend it highly. It\'s improvements over older Garmin models and its ease of use make it a valuable travelling companion when travelling in unfamiliar locales.
  • I really like his Garmin. It gets you to where you want to go, but there are some minor areas that need to be improved:- It just does not seem to choose the most intelligent route when getting somewhere. I mean it probably gets you there distance wise, but fails miserably on time (I thought the it would sync with traffic automatically).- Freeze ups. I\'d say on average I have to power cycle it twice a week. Not good when you are navigating and suddenly notice your vehicle icon on the screen has stopped moving. It is not a biggie though as you can pull over and just hold down the power button until it comes back.-Screen/graphics..I like very much..just cannot get the screen bright enough sometimes to combat the glare.- Biggie..after less than 5 months the cord for my 2457LMT has suddenly stopped working. No power power to the GPS and replacing the fuse has no affect. I searched Amazon, EBay, and the Garmin sites and there is simply no reference to the cord that was included with my 2457LMT purchase (TA10 Car Charger p/n 320--00239-80). I have since sent a message to Garmin, but I have not gotten a response back. I\'ve tried \"equivalent cords\" that the local electronic stores assured me that would work with the LMT, but those simply just turned up only providing power to my GPS (no built in antenna in the cord).I will update if Garmin gets back to me...Update***Adding another star.I got a hold of Garmin directly and they just needed my model GPS and they said they would replace the cord (for a second there I was going to get my CC out to pay). After a quick discussion the nice lady on the the line said my cord should be at my house in a couple of days (wow no charge). A couple of days later the new cord (actually a different serial number on this new cord which tells me they must of updated the old one)arrived and it works great (charger/cord has a blue light versus the original cord which was amber when powered on). All I can say is good job Garmin!
  • It was time to upgrade to a new GPS. Since I had a Garmin before (same one for the past 8 years) and was pleased with it I decided to stick with another Garmin. Paying for the updates was the main reason for purchasing another one with Life Maps and Traffic and I\'m sorry I didn\'t do it earlier.I did as much research on the different types of units as I felt I needed. I finally settled on the 2457 LMT. I didn\'t need voice activation since my speech is impaired from a past surgery nor did I need blue tooth.I received my unit UPS yesterday evening by about 8 PM and by 11 PM I had everything downloaded which really didn\'t take too much. To share with everyone how easy it was, I plugged in the unit to my computer set it up on Garmin Express which popped up instantaneously and clicked on the proper buttons and walked away for 2-1/2 hours. After checking on it periodically and following the minutes it said it had left to finish, by 11 PM it was done. Registered and everything downloaded. COMPLETE!Today I went out driving plugging in some various addresses and I couldn\'t have been more happy. A couple of things I will point out right away: I can see the unit operate with sunglasses on, shows speed limit of roads being traveled, no more \"recalculating\" notice, more pleasing of a voice (not as computerized), very clear screen to view and this was the small one at 4.3 inches, I really wouldn\'t want one much bigger, shows gas station and restaurant locations on the drive (just doesn\'t name them, there is a symbol that there is one there), split screen is really nice to have. Now this is only after having the unit for one day and just trying it out. And figuring out how to use the features is a \"piece of cake\". Again, I cant be more happy and highly recommend this unit to anyone looking for a GPS whether it be their first or upgrading from an older unit.

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